Our Company

We Help Scrap Recyclers Thrive

We exist to provide scrap metal recyclers with tools that unlock substantial increases in productivity. Together with our team and customers, we are building the future of scrap recycling.

Trusted by leading scrap recyclers
ATM, monitor and phone interconnected
Our Vision

Power a Bright Future for Metal Recycling

ReMatter envisions a future where every metal recycler has access to modern, enterprise-grade technology that's both powerful and easy to use. In an industry worth over $120 billion, we're bridging the gap between deep operational expertise and modern software solutions.

Our platform isn't just about managing scrap – it's about empowering recyclers to build stronger businesses, better support their customers, and shape a more sustainable future.

A talented, dedicated team pushing scrap software forward

Join Our Team

ReMatter is looking for talented folks to join our team, from both within and external of the scrap recycling industry. Check out our Careers Page to learn more.

ReMatter team smiling together downtown on a well lit street
Meet the team

Our Founders

Wyatt Pontius
Wyatt Pontius
CEO & Co-Founder
Sean O'Bannon
Sean O’Bannon
CTO & Co-Founder
Drake Hougo
Drake Hougo
COO & Co-Founder
Industry Associations

Join Our Team

Care about recycling & sustainability? Want to work at a fast-paced start-up with an international customer base? ReMatter is building the modern operating system for scrap recyclers and is looking for intelligent and motivated individuals.